
Kristoffer Frisk - Cernunnos

The Horned God, Cernunnos.

Esta divindade selvagem, representada com chifres e rodeada de animais também evoca semelhanças com os Faunos, Sátiros e Pan.

Recolhido na penumbra e de mãos abertas a quem o vê, o deus caçador, perscruta a alma do incauto. A floresta enegreceu, nunca os galhos secos estalaram de forma tão audível, os ramos da árvores arrepanham roupa, cabelos e pele. Era dia...
Tropeça-se uma vez, e outra, cada vez mais perdido, cada vez mais perseguido. A exaustão vence, o coração tamboreia o tronco impiedosamente, e de rastos pelo solo fora soltam-se gritos dementes. Tudo está vivo!
Num rasgo de energia, as pernas correm sem mestre e as mãos avançam pelas arestas das pedras, tapam a cara, lançam-se no ar. Pobre ser, de quem foges?
Tropeça-se uma vez mais para cair no abraço gelado das águas. De cabelos de lismos e musgos e voz de água, as ninfas embalam o abandono fácil.

A caçada chegou ao fim, o deus cornífero perseguiu o berço da morte, e com glória celebra a vida.
Recolherá às sombras uma vez mais para caçar...


Kerem Beyit - Charlotte

This is a personal work of Kerem Beyit, that now you can get to know a lot better from The art of Kerem Beyit. I love all and every detail in this art work.

When I look at this picture all that comes into mind is the song Hoist the Colours:

The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we'll roam.

Yo, ho, all hands.
Hoist the colours high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Yo, ho, all together.
Hoist the colours high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

Some have died
and some are alive
others sail on the sea
– with the keys to the cage...
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green!

The bell has been raised
from its watery grave...
Hear its sepulchral tone.
A call to all,
pay heed the squall
and turn your sail to home!

Yo, ho, all together.
Hoist the colours high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never shall we die.

The lyrics were written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio.
The music was composed by Hans Zimmer and Gore Verbinski.


Linda Bergkvist - Eireequel

The feeling of freedom, of weight lifted can be found in the most familiar faraway memories even while listening to Break the Chains.

"Second commissioned image for Mason.I enjoyed painting this one thoroughly. For all that it is flawed, as all my images are, I smile when I look at it, at the moment :] And my client was very happy.~"From darkness, to light, for you -"Whispered, a breath of honey in the air tinged with emeralds."I turned my back on my friends,"A rustle of leaves. A soft trail of air against a cheek. Locks of ashes and ebony.", I turned my gaze from my family,"Fingertips, alabaster pale and softer than ice,", and you - you turned my lips from yours."His palm drifts like a feather against the trunk of a tree. Rough, the bark. Digging into his palm. It should have been a caress. It should have been her, but it is not. "From darkness, to light, for you -"Eyes, closing."but you... pushed me back into shadows." in http://enayla.gfxartist.com/artworks/16829